
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Weight Gain During Pregnancy Is Not Obesity

It is a fact scientifically proven that weight gain during pregnancy is a natural and essential phenomenon. There is nothing to worry if you gain weight during pregnancy. Pregnancy weight gain can in no way be termed as Obesity. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Obesity as increased body weight caused by excessive accumulation of fat. Whereas, weight gained during pregnancy is because of the weight of the embryo developing in the mothers womb and it is essential for a healthy pregnancy.

Most women mistake pregnancy weight gain to be obesity. It is absolutely normal to gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Pregnancy weight gain is essential for the women to support their babys growth and development. It has been seen pregnant women restrict them to lean diet routines in fear of gaining weight. Pregnant women by depriving themselves from healthy diet invite problems for themselves as well for their children. This can result in birth of nutrition-deprived child, childs shunted growth and risks of heart attacks in the later stages of childs life.

Pregnant women should follow pregnancy diet rich in whole grains, beans, nuts, fruits and vegetables. They should minimize the content of added fats partially hydrogenated oils. Whatever they eat will affect the child positively or adversely. So without the fear of gaining weight, they should follow a healthy routine. Calories, in no way, should be totally cut off from the diet in fear of becoming obese.

Women, particularly in a developing country like India are deprived of education on pregnancy. So, most women have misconceptions regarding pregnancy weight gain and obesity. It should be noted that obesity is generally an aftermath of pregnancy because the body can not be in the same shape after delivering a baby. Depriving body of the essential nutrients during pregnancy is, therefore not a solution. There are proper exercise routines to be followed after pregnancy that can cure obesity.

Obesity after pregnancy is not because the women have taken a lot of calories and fatty acids in her diet during her pregnancy period. It may be because of psychosomatic disorders of coping up with the stresses of being-a-mother lesser metabolism, disrupted body mechanisms, weight gain, and eventually obesity. Retaining normal body weight after pregnancy is a slow but achievable process. It requires balanced diet, good exercise routine and above all positive will power.

So pregnant women should no way restrict themselves to a limited, mal-nutritional diet charts in fear of becoming obese afterwards. Pregnancy weight gain is as natural as pregnancy itself. If you want to be a healthy mother of a healthy child, eat healthy and enjoy your pregnancy period.

Reasonable pregnancy weight gain is normal but without proper information, many women consider weight gain during pregnancy as obesity. Pregnancy-Period.Com offers information about how much weight gain is normal in pregnancy and almost everything about pregnancy and related issues.

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