
Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bad Eating Habits Broken With Two Simple Truths

Right now in the US 60% of the population has a weight problem. Morbidly Obese is clinically defined as being 100 pounds or more overweight. In our population, the number of people being morbidly obese is increasing year after year. One reason is an over abundance of fast food available. On every corner fast food and billboards, everywhere you turn are advertisements for fast food. Who would have though fifty years ago that child obesity would be running rampant in the United States.

The single most important fact to good health is obtaining and maintaining normal body weight. The single most important fact to obtaining normal body weight is healthy eating habits.

Not nearly enough time is being spent at home with family preparing good quality fresh foods that nourish the body. When family priorities get out of line, bad health is always the result.

Think about the term Fast Foods for a moment, not only are they quickly prepared, but they cause weight gain just as fast. Food preparation has everything to do with how much nutrition the food will yield when eaten.

Truth #1 - Learn how to prepare food to preserve nutrients needed to obtain good health.

Truth #2 - Just as important as preparing food correctly is buying the proper food. When shopping, prepare the shopping list in advance based on what is needed for good health and not what tastes good. Eat before going to the store. Get in, fill the shopping list and get out. Do what is called perimeter shopping. Shop the outside walls of the grocery store and stay out of the isles as much as possible. If you dont buy junk you cant eat it.

To sum it up, the battle of the bulge is won in the grocery store by what you buy and in the kitchen by how the food is prepared. Prepare is the key word. Prepare the shopping list, prepare yourself to shop and prepare the food properly.

Fred Fishburne and his wife are owners of ProHealth Nutrition, Inc., a very successful health store in McDonough, Ga. Vist at: http://prohealthnut.com

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